Monday, April 7, 2014

Change current month event in Ext.picker.Date

There is no change event month in object 'Ext.picker.Date' in Ext JS 4.
Here is an implementation that allows you to add this event by extending class 'Ext.picker.Date':
Ext.define("YourCalendarPicker", {
    extend: "Ext.picker.Date",
    update : function(date, forceRefresh){
        var me = this,
            monthViewChange = me.isAnotherMonthView(date);
        if (monthViewChange){
            me.fireEvent("monthviewchange", me, date, me.activeDate);
        return me;

     * return true if the given date is in a different month view of the actual calendar date
     * @param {Date} date
     * @return {Boolean}
    isAnotherMonthView: function(date){
        var activeDate = this.activeDate || date;
        return date.getYear() != activeDate.getYear() || 
               date.getMonth() != activeDate.getMonth();

Blink body of an Ext.form.Panel

To draw attention to a form of creation, I wanted to give a small effect on my form body using the 'highlight' function on an HTML DOM object. Here is the ExtJS code I used:
var myForm = Ext.create("Ext.form.Panel");
myForm.body.el.highlight("0000DD", {
  attr: "backgroundColor", //can be any valid CSS property (attribute) that supports a color value
  endColor: "ffffff",
  easing: 'easeIn',
  duration: 500
source :

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to shrink your disk on VMware Player 5 ?

As the option seems to have disappeared from the VMware tools menu, these are commands to shrink your VMware disk on Windows or Linux.

Shrinking the virtual disk in a Windows virtual machine

To shrink the virtual disk in a Windows virtual machine:
  1. Power on the Windows virtual machine.
  2. Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
  3. Run these commands:

    cd C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools
    C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools> VMwareToolboxCmd help disk
    This displays a list of options that are available for shrinking.

Shrinking the virtual disk in a Linux virtual machine

To shrink the virtual disk in a Linux virtual machine:
  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Run these commands:

    cd /usr/bin

    /usr/bin$ vmware-toolbox-cmd help disk


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Be careful when you use extraparams in proxy in ExtjJS 4; you should use baseparams!

Problem with proxy extra params: proxy is common to all stores created with this proxy! Example:

var countries1, countries2;
countries1 = Ext.create( "");
// add parameter 'countriesId' = 1
countries1.getProxy().setExtraParam( "countriesId", 1)
countries2 = Ext.create( "");
// add parameter 'countriesId' = 2
countries2.getProxy().setExtraParam( "countriesId", 2)
    callback: function(){
        countries1.load(); // 'countriesId' is no more 1, but 2 !!!

I advise you to create your own store class which implements base parameters if you want to set parameters before calling 'load' function with several stores of the same type.

Ext.define( "MyStore",{
    extend: "",
    baseParams: null,
     * add base parameter to store.baseParams
     * @param {Object} key/value object: {key: value}
    addBaseParam: function(obj){
        Ext.apply( this .baseParams, obj);
     * add several base parameters to store.baseParams
     * @param {Array}: array of key/value object: [{key1: value1, key2: value2,...}]
    addBaseParams: function(objects){
        var me = this ;
        if (Ext.isArray(objects)){
            Ext. each(objects, function (obj){
        } else if (objects){
     * reset base parameters
    resetBaseParams: function(){
        this .baseParams = {};
     * constructor
     * @param {object} config
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this ;
        // manage base params
        me.baseParams = me.baseParams || {};
        // call parent
     * override load method to add base params to request params
     * @param {Object} options
    load: function(options){
        var me = this ;
        options = options || {};
        options.params = options.params || {};
        Ext.applyIf(options.params, me.baseParams);
}); doesn't take car of 'idProperty' of the model

The problem can appear with extended store, the 'load' function doesn't take care of 'idProperty' define in your model. You have to override 'load' method but be careful to look at mapping property of the identity field!

load: function (id, config){
       config = Ext.apply({}, config);

        var me = this ,
              fields = me.getFields(),
              nameProperty = me.nameProperty,
        // get field of idProperty
        for (i=fields.length-1;i>=0;i--){
               if (fields[i].name == me.prototype.idProperty){
                     field = fields[i];
                      break ;
        // get the field name
        if (field){
              fieldName = field[nameProperty] || field.mapping ||;
       } else {
              fieldName = me.prototype.idProperty;
        // set identity param
       params[fieldName] = id;

       config = Ext.applyIf(config, {
              action: 'read',
              params: params

        var operation = Ext.create('' , config),
              scope = config.scope || me,

       callback = function (operation) {
               if (operation.wasSuccessful()) {
                     record = operation.getRecords()[0];
                     Ext.callback(config.success, scope, [record, operation]);
              } else {
                     Ext.callback(config.failure, scope, [record, operation]);
              Ext.callback(config.callback, scope, [record, operation]);
       };, callback, me);

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Stack Trace doesn't appear anymore on Firebug

It seems that stack trace doesn't appear by default in new Firebug version ; but you can easily re-activate the option by checking in "Console > Show Stack Trace  With Errors".

This can be very useful for ExtJS development.

Thursday, August 30, 2012 doesn't use the idProperty of the current model

When you create you own model by extending '', you can use the function load which take an identity as first parameter and an configuration object as second. The problem is ExtJs 4.1 doesn't use the idProperty of the new model to send the parameter but 'id'.
You can override the static function load from to modify this behavior:

load: function(id, config){
      config = Ext.apply({}, config);

       var me = this ,
      params[me.prototype.idProperty] = id;

      config = Ext.applyIf(config, {
            action: 'read' ,
            params: params

       var operation = Ext.create('' , config),
            scope = config.scope || me,

      callback = function (operation) {
             if (operation.wasSuccessful()) {
                  record = operation.getRecords()[0];
                  Ext.callback(config.success, scope, [record, operation]);
            } else {
                  Ext.callback(config.failure, scope, [record, operation]);
            Ext.callback(config.callback, scope, [record, operation]);
      };, callback, me);